Biografy Rocky Raccoon in Life with My Wife and MyFamily

Selasa, 27 Juni 2006

Madeleine on her elephant

Madeleine on her elephant
One of the things that I've noticed on babies (meaning Madeleine, as you never really notice these things except with your very own) after noticing everything else, is that they have perfectly clear eyes where the whites have no veins, no redness, no imperfections of any kind.

When was the last time you've looked at your eyes close up in the mirror? I do now from time to time. Mine are yellow, thinly veiny (not like Ann's though because she wears contacts) and a little hazy. I should start worrying about glaucoma or something since I don't care for my eyes that much.

I notice little things like this more and more these days. How imperfect my body has become from age, abuse, staying up late, drinking too much coffee. Madeleine naps twice a day and in between is always too active for us. But when she's asleep, she's an angel in repose. Her bright (and I really mean bright) whites of her eyes makes me think back again to when I may have had the same--too long ago to remember probably. I wonder if anyone noticed when they stopped being so. I'm going to have a bgzillion pictures of her eyes to give to her when she starts drinking coffee. Probably when she's 17 and a freshman in college or something... I'm going to tell her, "Madeleine, no-no, no coffee...", shaking my little finger at her and hoping she doesn't either head-butt me or smack me in the face with her little hands. Okay, her hands will be much bigger then and she's be less likely to head-butt me.

Such are the thoughts I have now. All from the pretty, innocent, clear whites of her eyes that I look into everyday.